How Are Realism with Humanitarianism Combined in The Call of the Wild?
The Call of the Wild has never been out of print since its first publishing. It is widely considered a children book. Still, for a keen reader, it is far more serious literature than a fairy tale: it is a story of will power, striving, and the conflict between civilization and nature.
Never Giving Up: The Author’s Background
Every day we see numerous people who fail, but do not give up, they keep on working hard and eventually receive what they deserve. The entire civilization of the USA was built on these principles: Jack London spent a year researching the Alaska region, meeting people, and getting soaked with the spirit of those, who are willing to work and achieve.
The Call of the Wild can be viewed as a metaphor, in which a wolf apparently plays the role of a person with a free will. Benoit calls the story of The Call of the Wild, “an embodiment of the American dream of escaping from the entangling complexity of modern living back to a state as unencumbered” (2016 ). This is exactly the point in which the realism meets the humanitarianism: as the constitution of the United States acknowledges every person’s right for “pursuit for Happiness” (Jefferson, 1776), Buck seeks escape from the oppression of the human’s superiority and “the law of the club” (London, 2011) to fulfill his potential and get where his true nature calls him – to rule the pack of wolves. The more-than-hundred years of the novel’s success is not a miracle: the hard work the author had done to write the story, his devotion, and aspiration resembles the story of Buck, who found the destiny he strived for through pain and gain.
Works Cited
Benoit, R. (2016). Jack London’s “ The Call of the Wild ” Notes Jack London’s The Call of the Wild, 20(2), 246–248.
Jefferson, T. et al. (1776). Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
London, J., (2011). The Call of the Wild. Saddleback Educational Publishing. Retrieved from